Welcome to the Foundation Clinic Blog

Inspiration, advice and news to fuel your rehab.


Most people with a concussion recover quickly and fully. During recovery, it is important to know that many people have a range of symptoms.

Adina Holder
byAdina Holder
Exercise Associated Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps are still a mystery, since we don’t yet fully know their pathophysiology.

Adina Holder
byAdina Holder
Load vs Capacity

Most injuries come down to a simple equation of the mechanical load exceeding the capacity of the tissue.

Damian Banks
byDamian Banks
Don’t be afraid of knee extensions post-ACL

Walking puts more strain on the graft than open chain knee extension exercises 👀

Simon Robins
bySimon Robins
Ergonomic Assessment & Risk Factors

Does your occupation involve desk based-work, either in an office or a work from home set-up?

Renee Quinn
byRenee Quinn
Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is characterized by pain and tenderness on the outside of the elbow

Simon Robins
bySimon Robins
Foundation Awards

Congratulations to the winners of the annual Foundation Clinic awards!

Craig Newland
byCraig Newland
Lumbar Spine Stress Injuries

Fast bowling is a demanding and complex skill that requires high speed, power, and coordination

Paul Head
byPaul Head
Is ultra-distance running bad for mental health?

Ultra-distance runners seem to be more frequently affected by eating disorders and exercise addiction compared with the general population.

Craig Newland
byCraig Newland
Lack of sleep is ruining your runs

Do you cut back on sleep to sneak out of bed for early-morning workouts?

Craig Newland
byCraig Newland
Rotator Cuff Injuries

Many people with rotator cuff injuries can manage their symptoms and return to activities with exercise

Jacqueline Van Eis-Scott
byJacqueline Van Eis-Scott
Neck Pain

Neck pain symptoms can vary widely. The pain may just be a mild nuisance, or it could be so excruciating that a person avoids any excessive movement.

Adina Holder
byAdina Holder