Massage Therapy

Relax muscles, ease and sooth aches and pains

Our Massage Therapy Team

Mieka Andrews

Our talented Massage Therapists are dedicated to providing the right massage to suit your needs.  Your massage therapist will take a full history and maybe perform some tests on you. You will then be advised as to the best treatment for you.  Please feel free to discuss your concerns or raise any questions you may have as massage is a very personal experience. You will be completely draped with towels, other than the area that we are treating.

Whether you're looking to relieve stress, to increase your sports performance, or just to relax.  Our professionally trained and registered massage therapists at Foundation will cater for your therapeutic needs.

Massage therapy relaxes muscles, easing and soothing aches and pains. It rejuvenates and helps to restore balance to our body making us better able to handle all that life throws our way.

We cater for most conditions, whether you work in an office environment, hard labour or are studying…we can offer a massage tailored to your needs.

Scientific research has shown that massage therapy can help immune function, decrease stress levels and reduce recovery time for many musculoskeletal and medical conditions including:

  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Circulatory Problems
  • Insomnia
  • Sports Injuries
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Appointment Charges:

30minutes - $50  (purchase a voucher here)

45minutes - $75 (purchase a voucher here)

1 Hour - $90 (purchase a voucher here)

NB:// Longer times are available by request

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